Museums and virtuality: a relationship for the twenty-first century
Virtual Museum, Image, Information and Technology, Digital intersemioses, Digital platforms, Art museums, Google Art ProjectAbstract
Introduction: Before photograph reproduction, art interaction was limited to physical presence at museums or visiting personal collections. With the digitization and the setup of works of art in digital platforms, museums had created a sort of simulacrum of the original works, but also transforming organic matter into computer language of bits and bytes.Objective: Identify and indicate the artwork on its conversion to virtual world when it passes thru scanned environments, since the change of a semiotic system to another causes disruptions and changes in the aesthetic quality of the work of art produced on a support and moved to another.
Methods: With use of a descriptive literature method in the access of information, new characteristics of access takes place through museological platforms in the web environment.
Results: With the digital online platforms, museums lose in intensity because the exhibited works are but representations of the original, however, it gains in extensiveness as it democratizes access.
Conclusions: These platforms recontextualize the works and serve as a translation guide for the collection. This leads the individual to go through the exhibition with a set of information that acts as didactic and pedagogical support guide in the repertoire of the acquisition process that also help in the expansion of the knowledge base.
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