A model of learning assessment, of the History discipline, based on conceptual projects and maps





Model, Projects, Conceptual maps, Learning, History


This work sought to investigate the study of the discipline of History as Science, through the technique of creating Conceptual Maps and the approach of Project Based Learning (Project-Based Learning). Therefore, the purpose of this work is to analyze whether there has been cognitive growth through an evaluation of the use of the Project Based Learning approach in the History content. The research subjects were 40 students from a 9th grade class at the Professor José da Silveira Camerino State School, in 2016. The methodology used was qualitative research. We applied the two mentioned techniques and evaluated that there was the development of learning, as well as the cognitive growth of the students through the creation of projects and the modeling of the knowledge acquired in the concept maps. The result was obtained through an Evaluation Model of Cognitive Learning in the teaching of History.


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Author Biographies

Patricia Maria dos Santos, Universidade Federal de Alagoas

Master in Education from the Postgraduate Program in Computational Modeling of Knowledge in Education. Computer Institute - IC/ Universidade Federal de Alagoas

Fábio Paraguaçu Duarte da Costa, Universidade Federal de Alagoas

PhD teacher of the Postgraduate Program in Computational
Knowledge Modeling in Education. Institute of Computing -
IC / FUniversidade Federal de Alagoas.


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How to Cite

Santos, P. M. dos, & Costa, F. P. D. da. (2021). A model of learning assessment, of the History discipline, based on conceptual projects and maps. História & Ensino, 27(1), 224–240. https://doi.org/10.5433/2238-3018.2021v27n1p224


