A movieclub in the interior of the Amazon: the use of audiovisual as a practice of historical learning





Cinema. History, Bragança(PA), Movieclub.


This article reports on the experience of the Village Film Festival, an activity of university extension in the interface between cinema, history teaching and training in the field of human rights. Held in the city of Bragança, located in northeastern Pará, the film festival promotes the exhibition of films that work in the scope of discussions on historiography, diversity and citizen education followed by a debate on the teaching of history. Created in the year 2017, the experience of a film club as a methodological contribution to the teaching of History in the Amazon contributes to a citizen's formation and to the critical use of audiovisual in schools of basic education in the interior and in the more distant peripheries promoting historical learning.


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Author Biographies

Érico Silva Muniz, Universidade Federal do Pará

Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of History and the Postgraduate Program in Languages and Knowledge in the Amazon.
University Campus of Bragança / Federal University of Pará (UFPA).

Silvane da Silva e Silva, Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi.

Master student in the Graduate Program in Sociocultural Diversity / 


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How to Cite

Silva Muniz, Érico, & Silva e Silva, S. da. (2020). A movieclub in the interior of the Amazon: the use of audiovisual as a practice of historical learning. História & Ensino, 26(1), 113–133. https://doi.org/10.5433/2238-3018.2020v26n1p113


