Teacher’s narratives on printed and virtual texts for the history teaching to earky grades of elementary school
Teacher's Narratives, History Teaching, Historical learning, Early Grades.Abstract
The subject's cognitive movement for the narrative of his/her journey and project generates the construction of a 'self figure' where he/she introduces himself/herself as the subject of a History, of which they are authors and articulators of the present, past and future dimensions. Within this perspective, we opted for the biographical workshops of Delory- Momberger (2008) to produce a testimony document of 15 teachers from public Elementary Schools in Londrina. This intercultural communication exercise provided the recognition of the meaning attributed to virtual texts in their relationship with History Teaching texts, where we realized that books used to teach History, when transformed into electronic texts, are overestimated since it is not the support they give to the book (printed or electronic) that will generate better approaches and/or increase their potential to learn History in the Early Grades.
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