Youth and counterculture: research on the historical consciousness of students in the public and private schools




Identity, Youth, Historical consciousness, History Didatics


Throughout the twentieth century, with the so-called "Cultural Revolution", family relations, conceptions of social and moral values passed throught a transformation, and the differences between adults and young people began to be highlighted. With this in mind, this work aimed to investigate the historical consciousness of students from the public and private schools about youth and counterculture, and later, a didactic material about the subject was elaborated. For this, the same questionnaire was applied to the students of the two educational systems, trying to analyze also the similarities and dissonances between them. Among many answers, it is possible to emphasize that the students do not see themselves as active subjects in political, cultural and social subjects, with responsibility on questions from the present. The expectation was that through the historiographical readings, sources and documents presented, students would broaden their world view on what it is to be young, assuming an identity and perceiving themselves as transforming agents of the place where they live.


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Author Biography

Ruhama Sabião, Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa

PhD student in Education at the Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa


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How to Cite

Sabião, R. (2019). Youth and counterculture: research on the historical consciousness of students in the public and private schools. História & Ensino, 25(2), 347–372.


