The invisibility of brazilian black culture through the "miscegenation" speech
Miscegenation, Brazil, Speech, RacismAbstract
The main objective of this article is to problematize how the idea of miscegenation is often anchored in a veiled way in an attempt to make black culture invisible in Brazil. The text now presented tries to problematize how much the ideal of racial democracy emerges from the veiled discourse of a mestizo-harmonious country and presents the most expressive Brazilian intellectuals, among them Cavalleiro (2001) and Silva (2014), who discuss the process of laundering of Brazilian society. However, it is in the light of Kabengele Munanga that we try to unveil this illusory and superficial discourse of miscegenation. The methodological reflections that guided the writing of the article emerged from systematic readings and discussions in the discipline Education, Cultures and Diversities, taught in the Graduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Amapá. For us, miscegenation does exist, but it has been used as an ideological and fallacious discourse throughout history in order to maintain the power of the dominant and white elite.
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