The role of History in the moral formation of educating second Kant
Kant, Education, History, Morality, EthicsAbstract
Considering the Philosophy and Pedagogy of Kant, we will seek to expose some arguments and considerations about the role of history in the possible moral formation and educating of ethics. The moral education of students via education implies, according to the Kantian, in the development of moral autonomy and conducting themselves ethical actions. Then we put: in Kant, as can occur, through education, the formation of the independent and ethical human? In view of the issue, we discuss some works of Kant's thought, for at that time, seek to clarify the role of history in the development and moral education of the student and his future ethical action in the world. According to Kant, what can be the role of history in dealing with the precepts and moral teaching, formation and development, dissemination, strengthening and realization of moral principles in the life and experiences of human nature? Here is the occasion for analysis and evaluation of education from the understanding of the fundamentals.
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