The indigenous Park Xingu and Belgian Congo: history teaching and cultural plurality in years teaching initial elementary school


  • Anna Maria Ribeiro Moreira da Costa Centro Universitário de Várzea Grande



Cultural Plurality, Interdisciplinarity, Africa, Xingu


It is intended to socialize one didactic and pedagogical approach to the teaching of history in the early years of elementary school developed in the 7th semester of the Faculty of Education of UNIVAG University Center of Várzea Grande, Mato Grosso, during the course of Theory and Practice of Human Sciences: History. The child and youth book The king and the Indian boy, the frontiersmen Claudio and Orlando Villas Boas (1993), belonging to Pachachá Collection, Publisher Kuarup, was the starting point. The story is set in 1964 and describes the coexistence of Indian boy Acanai and King Leopold III during his stay in a Xingu village with the purpose of acquiring live fish species for studies. Congo, Africa also comprises the stage of history. The theoretical support adopted is linked to the historical plots and thus form an interdisciplinary fabric to disseminate historical facts, and the Xingu Indigenous Park as the main scenario. The Cultural Plurality volume, belonging to the National Curriculum Parameters, one of Transversal themes, was the basis for discussions on the role of this curriculum area in the training of students as well as performing critical readings on existing cultural diversity in Brazil.


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Author Biography

Anna Maria Ribeiro Moreira da Costa, Centro Universitário de Várzea Grande

Post-Doctorate in Brazilian Ethnology from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, PhD in History from the Federal University of Pernambuco. Professor at the University Center of Várzea Grande-MT and Historical and Geographic Institute of Mato Grosso.


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How to Cite

Costa, A. M. R. M. da. (2016). The indigenous Park Xingu and Belgian Congo: history teaching and cultural plurality in years teaching initial elementary school. História & Ensino, 22(2), 33–48.



Dossiê: Ensino de História & Temas Transversais