History teaching and student leadership: challenges in the Amazon Rondoniense
History Teaching, Teaching-learning, Program of Initiation to TeachingAbstract
The discipline of history is often seen as a difficult matter to understand by the students. This finding stems from the fact that a significant portion of the students does not recognize the relevance of the study of the past in a present time full of information and novelties. For some analysts, this situation stems from the lack of dialogue in the classroom between teachers and students, as well as the lack of connection and problematization between the past studied and the present lived which negatively influences the process of teaching and learning of history , as students continue to perceive it as a timeline with successive factual events despite all the criticism of this approach , in which the facts are narrated in chronological order and in a way evolutionary order. To think possible methodological approaches that transform the perception of the student in relation to the History taught, the study aims to discuss the issues observed during the activities of the Institutional Scholarship Program of Initiation to Teaching – ISPIT, held in the 7th year of elementary school of E. E. F. and M. Candido Portinari School in Rolim de Moura municipality, in Rondonia Amazon. From the information collected with semi -structured interviews and observations, we try to reflect on the "traditional" perspective and " new " methodological possibilities in historical doing in the classroom. The perspective refers to think of them as attitudes that value the relationship between the past and the present through the local history and thus allow the students to see themselves as historical subjects.Downloads
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How to Cite
Pesovento, A., Rodrigues, D. P., & Hell, J. K. P. (2016). History teaching and student leadership: challenges in the Amazon Rondoniense. História & Ensino, 22(2), 189–205. https://doi.org/10.5433/2238-3018.2016v22n2p189
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