Supervises academic training in history - PARFOR - UNOCHAPECÓ: limits and possibilities


  • Maria de Lurdes Pertile Universidade Comunitária da Região de Chapecó – UNOCHAPECÓ/SC.
  • Sandra Agostini Universidade Comunitária da Região de Chapecó – UNOCHAPECÓ/SC



History curse. PARFOR. Supervised Academic Training.


This study gave rise from a study of the degree course in History - PARFOR modality, of the Community College of the Chapecó Region - Unochapecó, and aimed to understand how the teachers students evaluate the Supervised academic training as a constituent element of their educational formation. As a source of information we use questionnaire with open questions. We note that the internship is considered of extremely importance, however for the teacher who is already licensed, we must make use of another type of stage. The majority (09) of respondents had a good acceptance of the school that has the custom to do this. However, some 2 (two) elementary schools, need to take their responsibility among the education schemes, as envisaged in the Current law and in this way to contribute significantly to the formation process of the teacher of second degree. 


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Author Biographies

Maria de Lurdes Pertile, Universidade Comunitária da Região de Chapecó – UNOCHAPECÓ/SC.

Master in Education from PUC / RS. Professor at the Community University of the Region of Chapecó - UNOCHAPECÓ / SC.

Sandra Agostini, Universidade Comunitária da Região de Chapecó – UNOCHAPECÓ/SC

Master in Education from the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), Professor at the Community University of the Region of Chapecó - UNOCHAPECÓ / SC.


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How to Cite

Pertile, M. de L., & Agostini, S. (2015). Supervises academic training in history - PARFOR - UNOCHAPECÓ: limits and possibilities. História & Ensino, 21(2), 265–282.


