Picturing the past... the production of drawings as a way to bring the pupils closer to the “Other” from other time and place


  • Maria Luiza Galle Lopedote Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina




Historical Literacy, Otherness, Drawing


In this article there is an analysis of drawings produced by 25 pupils aged between 12 and 15 years old, from a 6th year of the Elementary School administrated by the Santa Catarina State, located in Florianópolis. During the mandatory teaching practice from the curriculum of the History Graduation Course of Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, otherness has been the main subject of the learning-teaching process, worked together with contents of Ancient societies of Egypt, Rome and Greece. As one of the final activities, pupils were asked to produce drawings where they should portray a man or woman from the Ancient times, than portray themselves, and finally describe both images in a written way. The results are perceived by the perspective that the construction of drawings is a form of narrative, developed through investigation and imagination, and that they can be effective instruments for assessing the teaching-learning process and the historical consciousness of the students.


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Author Biography

Maria Luiza Galle Lopedote, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina

Student of the History Graduation Course at the State University of Santa Catarina.


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How to Cite

Lopedote, M. L. G. (2014). Picturing the past. the production of drawings as a way to bring the pupils closer to the “Other” from other time and place. História & Ensino, 20(2), 211–227. https://doi.org/10.5433/2238-3018.2014v20n2p211



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