Intencionality, objectivity, multiperspectivity: Contributions to research learning history of young out of historical films




Historical Categories, Objectivity, Intencionality, Multiperspectivity, Historical Cognition.


Dealing with the categories of knowledge within the historical interpretation is among the challenges to research the historical learning of young students . It is understood , then, that the multiperspective approach of the contents of historical knowledge can complexify the relationship of individuals with the knowledge , and to highlight how certain categories are more relevant in this process , especially when part of teaching from cultural artifacts, as in the case of using historical films. Based on these assumptions, this paper describes an investigative path that left the conceptions of young students about the movies-and its historical notions and attitudes about Nazism, and that can lead to the formulation of a methodology of research that favors the cinema as a language and device that mobilizes historical learning. It is proposed, therefore, the understanding about how the categories of intentionality and objectivity are interpose as complex in the relationship of historical cognition made possible by an experiment with multiperspectividade through the films.


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Author Biography

Éder Cristiano de Souza, Universidade Estadual do Paraná - UNESPAR

Doutorado em Educação pela Universidade Federal do Paraná. Collaborating Professor at the Universidade Estadual do Paraná 


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How to Cite

Souza, Éder C. de. (2013). Intencionality, objectivity, multiperspectivity: Contributions to research learning history of young out of historical films. História & Ensino, 19(2), 193–219.



GT Ensino de História e Educação (ANPUH - PR)