Music and a dictatorship military: working with letters of music history as document


  • Bruno Paviani Universidade Estadual de Londrina
  • Thaisa Lopes Ferreira Universidade Estadual de Londrina



Historical education, Music, Dictatorship military, Historical source


In 9th grade B, we worked with the music while historical source. The songs, that we used, were made by Raul Seixas and Zé Ramalho and the band Legião Urbana. Beginning from the thematic “Dictatorship military”, the lecture-workshop (BARCA, 2004) had – like priority - to work with ideas related with History– that had already introduced by the students. We made a quiz with foreknowledge, once we understand that our students have knowledge about the theme. With this material in hands, we prepared our intervention at the classroom. When we study the music while historical source, we perceive it isn’t use only to fun (direct or indirectly ways), the songs show much about the society where they are produced and they are critical instruments. After the intervention, we consider the use of documents during the History’s class fundamental. The document makes the class more interactive and can create bows with the students and the historian’s work.


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Author Biographies

Bruno Paviani, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Graduating in History at the State University of Londrina. PIBID / CAPES scholarship holders

Thaisa Lopes Ferreira, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Graduating in History at the State University of Londrina. PIBID / CAPES scholarship holders


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How to Cite

Paviani, B., & Ferreira, T. L. (2012). Music and a dictatorship military: working with letters of music history as document. História & Ensino, 18(esp), 111–130.