School-workshop: a proposal for use of historical documents in classroom


  • Amábile Sperandio Universidade Estadual de Londrina
  • Ana Paula Anunciação Universidade Estadual de Londrina



Lecture-workshop, Documents, Slavery, Teaching History, Historical Sources.


The lecture-workshop in question was developed in the State School Doctor Gabriel Carneiro Martins directed to students of 7th year, focusing on the use of various historical documents in the construction of historical knowledge on the subject of black slavery in Brazil during the eighteenth century. We decided to use images of the French painter Jean Baptiste Debret, his works are considered canonical in the teaching of history, being present in all of history textbooks because they represent the role of the black slave society in that period as well as revealing many aspects of everyday black. Was also used songs from singers of Brazilian popular culture such as Jorge Ben Jor and Clara Nunes, plus videos and songs related to black culture and capoeira. The methodology sought to discuss with students various historical buildings on the topic, based on the use of different sources that direct the student to the development of historical thinking and its importance to life.


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Author Biographies

Amábile Sperandio, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Graduating in History at the State University of Londrina. PIBID / CAPES scholarship holders

Ana Paula Anunciação, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Graduating in History at the State University of Londrina. PIBID / CAPES scholarship holders


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How to Cite

Sperandio, A., & Anunciação, A. P. (2012). School-workshop: a proposal for use of historical documents in classroom. História & Ensino, 18(esp), 131–156.