Interpretation of heritage sources in history education




History Education, Heritage Education, Heritage sources, Historical evidence


Connecting History Education and Heritage Education, this research aim to develop educational activities related to use of objects and heritage sites, grounded in a systematic process and methodological criteria. Through a descriptive empirical study and a mainly qualitative approach, it was intended to seek out how students infer from heritage sources, taking part in history teaching and learning activities. Data here reported refer to a PhD study in which specific instruments were applied to a sample of 87 students (40 students attending year 7 and 47 students from year 10), from several secondary schools of Guimarães municipality, in northern Portugal, and their history teachers. The analysis of data followed an increasingly refined categorization process in order to find out a model of students’ conceptual progression and of teachers’ profiles concerning the use of heritage sources and types of historical consciousness. This study highlights the interest of approaching heritage sources as historical evidence, and not only as illustration or information, in history teaching and learning activities.



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Author Biography

Helena Pinto, Universidade do Minho

PhD in Educational Sciences - specialty of Education in History and Social Sciences, external researcher at CIEd, Universidae do Minho.


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How to Cite

Pinto, H. (2012). Interpretation of heritage sources in history education. História & Ensino, 18(1), 187–218.



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