The Model of Historical Education: experience Innovation for basic education.


  • Gerardo Mora Escuela Normal Superior de México
  • Rosa Ortiz Paz Escuela Normal Superior de México



Historical Education, Concepts of "second order", Interaction with primary sources, Schemes (concept maps)


We present a "model of history education" as an innovation in history teaching, interaction with primary sources, the use of analytical concepts and concept maps. This model has been generated in the specialty practice of teachers of History at the Ecole Normale Superior of Mexico. The model is designed as a set of strategies, different expository teaching / transmissive and is divided into "classes interactive" workshops and projects for teaching history. Your goal is to initiate the formation of historical thinking as "situated cognition." The interactive part of a class activity to raise awareness of the primary sources in order to contextualize a topic. Articulate with the development of a structure to organize information and evaluation. Part of a diagnosis that defines "the array of school learning" student, autonomous, active, passive and disorganized, to establish the level of the learning process that is intended (practice, application) and strategies (As a matter of fact, educational and content).


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How to Cite

Mora, G., & Paz, R. O. (2012). The Model of Historical Education: experience Innovation for basic education. História & Ensino, 18(1), 219–237.


