O processo do conhecimento/pesquisa no ensino de história





Historical knowledge, Culture, Representation, Competences, Significative learning, The teaching of history.


The process of historical knowledge and its adequacy to teaching-learning are dealt in this article starting from the concepts that are the basis of a proposition of work which tries to maintain a dialogue between a pedagogy of inclusion which aims at experiencing citizenship and the respect to the differences, and the reality exclusion which focuses exactly on the distance between theory and experience. Being aware of this contradiction I start from the conception of teaching-learning which leads to a more involving practice. This article aims at considering concepts and conceptions that could orientate the aim of the course for each teacher of History: the relation and difference between History and Memory (as the historical time is the times of changes and the time of collective memory is the one of permance); Culture; Representation (whose notion allows the articulation of three different ways of relation with the social world); Reading; Competences (specially the relation one) and the Significative Learning.

Author Biography

Helenice Ciampi, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo

History Teaching Methodology Teacher at PUC / SP


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How to Cite

Ciampi, H. (2003). O processo do conhecimento/pesquisa no ensino de história. História & Ensino, 9, 109–132. https://doi.org/10.5433/2238-3018.2003v9n0p109


