The religiosity of the popular classes and the educational reflection


  • Jorge Antonio de Queiroz e Silva Silva IBPEX - Instituto Brasileiro de Pós-Graduação e Extensão.



Religiosity, Popular classes, Survival and resistance.


The aim of this text is to show to the teachers of elementary and high school the necessity of regarding the religiosity, that is present the day-by-day life of the popular classes, as away to help teaching History, Portuguese, and other subjects.


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Author Biography

Jorge Antonio de Queiroz e Silva Silva, IBPEX - Instituto Brasileiro de Pós-Graduação e Extensão.

Specialist in History Teaching Methodology. Professor of History at CEEBJA - State Center for Basic Education for Youth and Adults Airton Senna, Admiral Tamandaré-PR, Professor of Graduate Studies at IBPEX - Brazilian Institute of Graduate Studies and Extension


ARQUIDIOCESE DE CURITIBA. Católicos em Curitiba. Disponível em:

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PARANÁ Turismo. Arquivos turísticos. Memorial a Nossa Senhora da Luz dos Pinhais. Disponível em:

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How to Cite

Silva, J. A. de Q. e S. (2004). The religiosity of the popular classes and the educational reflection. História & Ensino, 10, 103–113.


