The "Black people" in the history textbook of the secondary school and the Law 10.639/03


  • Fernando Santos Jesus Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca



Racism, Symbolic, Textbooks, Text and Images


This study investigates the representation of blacks in textbook History of Brazil in its contradictory forms of denial of African matrices exclude blacks from the social spaces of knowledge production by irradiation of symbolic violence, and hence the spread of racism. We do a content analysis of a chapter in a history textbook content in Brazil's history used in secondary school (Rio de Janeiro), trying to analyze whether the provisions of the law 10.639/03 and the national curriculum guidelines for the education of relations racial and ethnics for teaching history and culture afro-Brazilian and African are being contemplated in the material analyzed. The results of this study indicate the need for reinterpretation of texts and images of black people in the textbooks, because the invisibility of the black population is a possible demobilization of overall population not to be seen as active in the political processes of the country that cultivates the myth of racial democracy, but still linking to the daily derogatory images of black without contextualizing them on the grounds of material and symbolic conditions below those of whites.


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Author Biography

Fernando Santos Jesus, Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca

Master's student in Ethnic-Racial Relations and Education at CEFET / RJ.


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How to Cite

Jesus, F. S. (2012). The "Black people" in the history textbook of the secondary school and the Law 10.639/03. História & Ensino, 18(1), 141–171.


