Teaching history and government policies for the distribution of textbooks
Textbook. Educational policies. Teaching of History.Abstract
The trajectory of policies for the evaluation, regulation and distribution of textbooks in Brazil was marked by three specific moments in national history. The first in the nineteenth century, with the creation of the Committee of Public Instruction, responsible for preparing bills that aimed to better organize educational primary school, which despite the short time of existence, about six months, he proposed to be a tool to promote the fundamentals of Brazilian nationality through education, a second time in the twentieth century, marked by the creation of three committees, the National Children's Book (1936), the National Primary Education Commission (1938) and the National Textbook (1938), created in the management of the Minister Capanema amid deployment of the Estado Novo in Brazil and finally the third time in 1985 with the creation, at the end of the military government, the Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD). Thus, in this paper we analyze the historical role of these two organs in the selection process and distribution of textbooks for public schools in Brazil.Downloads
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How to Cite
Matos, J. S. (2012). Teaching history and government policies for the distribution of textbooks. História & Ensino, 18(1), 113–139. https://doi.org/10.5433/2238-3018.2012v18n1p113
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