The study of the war in military history according to the futures leaders of the brazilian armed forces




Teaching of military history, Brazilians militaries institutions, Military brazilian identity.


This study displays part of the results of field researches about the teaching of the Military History supplied at the three schools of Brazilians militaries officials' formation, showing as the students understand the importance of the study of the war in Military History, executed in their formation, and like them they notice their preparation for the military professional exercise.


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Author Biography

Tania Regina Pires de Godoy, Universidade Federal de São Carlos

PhD in Fundamentals of Education from UFSCar-SP and professor of Military History at the Brazilian Air Force Academy since 1996


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How to Cite

Godoy, T. R. P. de. (2006). The study of the war in military history according to the futures leaders of the brazilian armed forces. História & Ensino, 12, 203–214.


