The school historical narratives and its matrices of reference


  • André Victor Cavalcanti Seal da Cunha Universidade Federal de Pernambuco



Teaching of history, School historical narrative, Didactical transposition.


This research we analyzed the discursive structure of the narratives to identify the historiographical matrices which work as a reference in its didactical transposition. The investigation field covered from the fifth to the eighth grade of primary school in the above mentioned sector. We have elected five (5) teachers as our subjects, all of the graduated in history. To collect the data we worked with interviews (at the beginning, during the classes observations and at the end) and class observations, both of them recorded in audio tapes and converted to protocols, which are our documental corpus. Several historiographical matrices took part in the (re)invention, presenting themselves many times in mixed structures. Notwithstanding, we have noticed a preponderance of the Marxism. We have noticed that the school historical knowledge repertory built during graduation and in the first years of the teacher career represented a hard core of the internal didactical transposition.


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Author Biography

André Victor Cavalcanti Seal da Cunha, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Master in Education from UFPE. Professor of History Teaching Practice at the Federal University of Pernambuco


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How to Cite

Cunha, A. V. C. S. da. (2006). The school historical narratives and its matrices of reference. História & Ensino, 12, 49–66.


