At the railroad culture tracks: documents from family archives in history teaching


  • Daniel Augusto Arpelau Orta Universidade Federal do Paraná



History teaching, Building of history knowledge, Family documents.


This article deals with the historicity of History teaching, pointing how the methodology of History was used and which has been its purposes. After that, this research defines some of the characteristics of History teaching, and one of nowadays purposes, using jointly the subject themes and the family font archives. Later on, this article describes a possible example of family font archives, present in the author's own family ones, corcerning the profession connected to the railroad and the cultural and social issues involved in this work. It brings up questions, at the same time that a historiography support is used to link the family documents with the theme concepts of culture, memory and work.


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Author Biography

Daniel Augusto Arpelau Orta, Universidade Federal do Paraná

Graduated in History UFPR


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How to Cite

Orta, D. A. A. (2007). At the railroad culture tracks: documents from family archives in history teaching. História & Ensino, 13, 71–89.


