Social and historical visions in educators development: thinking through brazilian literature


  • Ana Lúcia da Costa Silveira Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro



Educators development, History retrospect, Brazilian literature.


There's a question about the differences and the likenesses between the actually teachers and the ones who worked in 19 th. century. This article uses six texts written by famous Brazilian Literature writers and does a history retrospect about them. Some characteristics are: most of them are women, they are not valorized and they should help to reform the society. The article lead to the following conclusion: investments in teacher's formation are very necessary.


Author Biography

Ana Lúcia da Costa Silveira, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro

PhD student in Development, Agriculture and Society at UFRRJ. Professor of Portuguese Language and Brazilian Literature at the Technical College of UFRRJ.


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How to Cite

Silveira, A. L. da C. (2007). Social and historical visions in educators development: thinking through brazilian literature. História & Ensino, 13, 45–62.


