The Law nº 10639/03: between curriculum policies and practices


  • Rosemeire dos Santos Universidade Estadual de Londrina



Curricula, Law n.º 10639, Textbooks, Appropriation of teachers


The present article intends to discuss some considerations about the Law nº 10639/03, which is approaching its 8th year from its publication and whose insertion hasn´t produced the expected results, as of yet, pointing out a few points of difficulty for its effectuation. Using part of a project, still being developed, we shall do a study on the difficulties for the implementation of the law. From this study some questions have arid, and ones we shall try to answer along the text, such as: how are the teachers taking hold of this Law? What are the probable resistances to be faced? Getting to more queries than answers, this article tries to show that a law is not quite enough to correct historical distortions suffered by blacks and afrodescendents. It is necessary to add an intensive work with the teachers who have interacted directly with the students, so that these teachers acquire the interest and the will to think legit the changing of its practice, or to consider the making of another.


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Author Biography

Rosemeire dos Santos, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Professor of History of Elementary and Secondary Education at the Londrina Application College of the State University of Londrina.


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How to Cite

Santos, R. dos. (2010). The Law nº 10639/03: between curriculum policies and practices. História & Ensino, 16(1), 41–59.


