Readers and readings in history lessons: teachers, students and the invention over the textbook




Textbook, Practices of reading, History and education


This text is the result of a research, begun in 2008, whose objective was to study the practice of reading of the History textbook by teachers and students. From the dialogue with authors related to the History of Reading and with the ideas of Michel de Certeau, developed mainly in the work The practice of everyday life, the reading practices are presented as inventive and creative in the everyday of the classroom. For the study of reading, an extensive work was undertaken, involving observation History classes, questionnaires, interviews and analysis of the textbook used. For comparison, the survey was conducted with two teachers and two classes of 8th grade (9th year) of different elementary schools which used the same textbook. The conclusions showed evidence that there is a tension between the teacher, the student and the textbook at which the "credibility" acts as a key element of the reading practices of the textbook.

Author Biography

Jeferson Rodrigo da Silva, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Master's student in the Graduate Program in Social History at the State University of Londrina.


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How to Cite

Silva, J. R. da. (2010). Readers and readings in history lessons: teachers, students and the invention over the textbook. História & Ensino, 16(1), 7–23.


