About the culture of the time and the textbook of history
Textbook, Temporality, Teaching of history.Abstract
This article aims to analyze the process of formation of temporality in the history of contemporary textbooks. Based on the assumption that this material is a complex product whose production process is subject to the intervention of several agents, integrating a web of knowledge, values and theoretical perspectives. Thus, we understand that the creation of content run on edueational materials is directly linked to this web of multiple skills, own history of scientific knowledge. From that perspective, trying to analyze the textbook in their relationship to modern history and historiography renewed, seeking understand the ways in which the historic temporality is presented to students and the values and meanings that emerge from this presentation. The article presents the results of research collections of more didactic adopted in the city of Juiz de Fora, from the process for choosing textbooks PNLD of 2005. The analytical focus will focus on analyzing the relationship between the content of the textbook and historic production, as well as relations between the historiographical renewal and the profile of didactic works available to the market.
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