Writing and thinking historically: cognitive resources related to text production


  • Maria Lima Universidade Federal do Mato do Grosso do Sul




Historical thinking, Written language, Cognitive process.


It seems to be obvious that written language supports the development of the thinking, in general, and of the historical thinking specifically. However, very little has been explored of the characteristics that are involved in text production situations and the relation between such characteristics and the development of historical thinking. Based on three different versions of a public student's production in São Paulo city, this paper presents the analysis of some indications that allow me to illustrate the intense thinking process the student gets through to produce a text and how such process is not only related to written language as a technique, but also as a complex discursive activity highlighted by constant thinking processes that produce and transform historical discourse and thinking.


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Author Biography

Maria Lima, Universidade Federal do Mato do Grosso do Sul

Professor at the Federal University of Mato do Grosso do Sul, Três Lagoas campus.


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How to Cite

Lima, M. (2009). Writing and thinking historically: cognitive resources related to text production. História & Ensino, 15, 159–172. https://doi.org/10.5433/2238-3018.2009v15n0p159


