The senses in the teaching of history


  • Aline Machado Krause Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Gabriel Vinicius Vieira Universidade Federal de Santa Maria



Senses, History Teaching, Interaction, Children


This article is an exposition of the practical application of the propose of working historical themes in the classroom using the senses as the main technique for evoking the curiosity and knowledge, but without reducing that same curiosity and knowledge only to the senses. Having as theoretical influences Illich's teories about schools, Correa's workshops, Ginzburg's micro-history and Peter Burke's cultural history, our goal is a class in which students participate not only through the teacher's questions, but also in the very development of themes, and which materializes the knowledge about ancient societies, the lives of people who died millenniums ago, without forgetting the importance of the historical themes for our society and the importance of both individual life and the political, economic, cultural and social estructures of society. Therefore, we want a fun, interesting, funny class without forgetting the history and without underestimating the knowledge of children.

Author Biographies

Aline Machado Krause, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Graduation in History - Degree and Bachelor from the Federal University of Santa Maria.

Gabriel Vinicius Vieira, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Graduation in History - Degree and Bachelor from the Federal University of Santa Maria.


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How to Cite

Krause, A. M., & Vieira, G. V. (2011). The senses in the teaching of history. História & Ensino, 17(2), 383–401.


