Students' academic procrastination: empirical phenomeological and humanistic analysis.
Carl Rogers, estudantes, estudantes universitários, fenomenologia, psicologia humanistaAbstract
Procrastination is the behavior of replacing, postponing or paralyzing a task, functioning as a defense against a threat. This phenomenon is manifested in the suffering form by students in the face of tasks, routines and academic demands. Carl Rogers' Humanistic Psychology can dialogue with this phenomenon, in its personalistic aspects that affect teaching-learning. This article aims to understand procrastination experiences in university students. The empirical phenomenological method, by Amedeo Giorgi, was employed in four participants, from which the following axes of discussion emerged: procrastination in the educational environment; anguish and anxiety manifestations in procrastination; difficulties and strategies to deal with procrastination; contextual elements that influence procrastination. It is concluded that there are psychological and contextual elements involved in the procrastination experience and that the expression of this in academy raises defense strategies that can be experienced creatively or painfully.
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