Play and adoptive filiation: process of integration of the paradoxical family identity
Adoption, Parenting, Affiliation, Play, Transitional phenomenaAbstract
The work discuss playing as a significant element in the process of adoptive filiation constitution, from the perspective of foster parents. It was intended to think the presence of the transitional phenomena, lived in the games and in the playing moments involving parents and children, as a psychic resource for the integration of the paradoxical identity of the adoptive family. This study is part of an extensive qualitative research on parenting and adoptive filiation, in which we conducted semi-structured interviews with 14 mothers and 10 adoptive parents. The data obtained were analyzed by the Bardin content analysis method in the categorical model. It was observed that playing was valued by parents as an indicator of good relational quality with their children. Participants express that through play they and their children shared internal content developing an intimacy, creating space to experiment together dilemmas around the paradox of adoptive filiation and the enigma about origins.
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