Psychotherapist and the choice of stuff in the process of ludodianostic
plays and toys, diagnostic, psychoanalysisAbstract
The article presents a bibliographic study about the aspects to be observed in the choice of the toy and the act of play in the ludodiagnostic process, for that, it was used mainly, theorical contributions of A. Freud, M. Klein and D. W. Winnicott. It was discussed the role of the psychotherapist, the therapeutic setting, and the meaning of the toy and playing it. That shows that the psychotherapist have an fundamental role in the choice of the material and the ambience in the ludodiagnostic process and it’s an right attitude of the professional if he considers the variables of the ambience, adapts the toys and the play into the cognitive capacity of the children and simultaneously respects the process of maturation and allows the free expression.Downloads
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