Self-reported delinquency in a probation service in Brazil


  • Lylla Cysne Frota D'Abreu Universidade de Potsdam



juvenile delinquency, self report, socioeducative measures


International research shows that self-reported delinquency is a successful strategy to improve data collection on the identification of the so-called "dark figure", ie, offenses that are not reported to the justice system. This technique, however, is still little used in Brazil. Through documentary research from data archive, this study described the socio-demographic variables and the severity of unofficial delinquency of a sample of 211 adolescents who attended a probation service in Brazil. The results showed that adolescents in conflict with the law have delinquent engagement with higher polymorphism and intensity than the official data are able to identify. Self-reported delinquency can improve data collection, provide more reliable rates and guide more assertive intervention actions in these services.


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Author Biography

Lylla Cysne Frota D'Abreu, Universidade de Potsdam

PhD student at the University of Potsdam (Germany) - Institute of Psychology.


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How to Cite

D’Abreu, L. C. F. (2011). Self-reported delinquency in a probation service in Brazil. Estudos Interdisciplinares Em Psicologia, 2(2), 154–170.



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