State, institutional measures and administrative structure: the leverage of the agribusiness with economic base of west of Santa Catarina region (1960-2000)




State, Santa Catarina., Public banks, Agribusiness, Regional economics, Institutions


The role of the State considered fundamental to leverage economic sectors in different regions of Brazil. In this article, the spatial snip on the Western mesoregion of Santa Catarina state, understanding that the economic and social formation linked to the process of fortification the municipal administrative structure of the region were important for the construction of the regional economic base, the narrowing of field and city relations and the economic organization of the regional space. The main objective of the article is to unveil the role of the State and the institutional measures that contributed to the advantage and consolidation of different production chains linked to agribusiness in the Western region of Santa Catarina in the second half of the 20th century. Methodologically, four parts were used for the elaboration of the text, namely: 1) bibliographic survey; 2) data collection and fieldwork; 3) organization and systematization of data; 4) crossing the date with the bibliography surveyed. A central result, it founded the role of the State for regional development to public banks was fundamental in channel resources mainly in the agro-industrial sector.


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Author Biography

Eduardo von Dentz, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC

PhD in Geography – FUniversidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC). Substitute Professor of Human Geography - Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul (UFFS) - Chapecó campus.


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How to Cite

von Dentz, E. (2023). State, institutional measures and administrative structure: the leverage of the agribusiness with economic base of west of Santa Catarina region (1960-2000). Economia & Região, 11(1), 61–82.




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