Inflation Target System: Theory and evidences in Brazil between 2002 and 2008


  • Tales Chenso da Silva Rabelo Universidade Estadual de Maringá - UEM



Brazil, Inflation Targeting, Macroeconomic Equilibrium, Economic Policy


This paper highlights institutional and theoretical aspects of inflation targeting regime. It focus on Brazilian experience during 2002-2008 period. The analysis of key macroeconomic variables performance like growth rate, inflation rate and public debt, show that the economic policy options during this period were the right ones, and have led the country towards sustained economic growth. Nonetheless, through the period statistics, the paper verified empirically the monetary policy transmission mechanism and how the commitment with macroeconomic policy towards inflation targeting regime automatically stabilizes other key macroeconomic variables; forging the whole economy dynamic equilibrium. The paper also verifies the term structure of interest rate in the period.


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Author Biography

Tales Chenso da Silva Rabelo, Universidade Estadual de Maringá - UEM

Doctoral candidate in Economics at the Universidade Estadual de Maringá.


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How to Cite

Rabelo, T. C. da S. (2013). Inflation Target System: Theory and evidences in Brazil between 2002 and 2008. Economia & Região, 1(2), 118–140.




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