Visual repair in passangers, by César Dezfuli, between recognition and remembrance
Photography, Visual politics, Poetics of memory, Brazilian migrationAbstract
Since 2016, photographer César Dezfuli has been developing Passengers, a project that starts with portraits of 118 migrants rescued while trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea and is completed by producing a verbal-visual material that follows the experiences of some of these survivors after settling in Europe. This article analyzes the work to support two arguments: that the photos, in association with the texts, videos and maps created by Dezfuli, are capable of repairing certain media coverage of the migratory flow, more focused on agonic lives or deaths, almost always anonymous, and, with that, are able to establish a political space that summons the spectator to act in the present, seeking consideration, as much as in the future, safeguarding another memory of the migratory drama.
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