Memory and history of the nameless: the use of mug shots in Rithy Panh’s documentaries




Documentary, Photography, History, Memory


This paper analyzes the reuse of mug shots taken in S-21 prison in four documentaries directed by Rithy Panh: Bophana, une tragédie cambodgienne (1996), S-21: la machine de mort khmère rouge (2002), Duch, le maître des forges de l’enfer (2011) and L’image manquante (2013). We seek to analyze the variations of the cinematographic procedures on the reuse of the photographs, considering the unceasing exercise of interpretation within the cinematic form. We consider the sense of the archives not univocal but constructed by the expressive means of the documentary. From the films towards the theory, these analyzes aim to approach the narrative of history on the writings of Walter Benjamin, Theodor W. Adorno, Márcio Seligmann-Silva, and Jeanne Marie Gagnebin, to answer how the documentaries achieve an elaboration of the past and a recomposition of memories through the cinematographic figure of nomination.


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Author Biography

Tomyo Costa Ito, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Doctoral student in Social Communication at Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Sandwich Stage at Université Paris 1 and American University of Phnom Penh (2018-2019).


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How to Cite

Costa Ito, T. (2021). Memory and history of the nameless: the use of mug shots in Rithy Panh’s documentaries. Domínios Da Imagem, 15(28), 78–93.



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