Regina Silveira in the printed media: the series middle class & Co. 1971-72
Regina Silveira, Middle Class & Co., Brazilian conceptual art, Printed media.Abstract
Regina Silveira’s Middle Class & Co. series is composed by an album of 15 serigraphs, from 1971, and of separate serigraphs made in the following year, both at the Mayagüez Campus of the University of Puerto Rico, where the artist was a professor from 1969 to 1973. In the serigraphs of this series, Silveira makes use of the same photographic image of a crowd taken from the printed media, which, at the time, often carried both images of crowd protests and of the Vietnam War. This paper aims to discuss the role that the printed media plays in this series by Regina Silveira as the source of the photographic image that becomes a conceptual element of the artwork, in the context of conceptual art, and as a repertoire for reflection on social and political issues.Downloads
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