The enticement of the wild forest: ethnical identity represenations within german immigration in the State of Rio Grande do Sul
German immigration, Representations, Identity.Abstract
This paper analyses the representations of the natural environment and the merging of the local natives and the German immigrants in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. This merging was built at different times and in different contexts by the scholar and politician Karl Von Koseritz, by the Jesuit priest Ambrósio Schupp and by Monsignor Matias José Gansweidt. In the present study we have focused on the writings of Koseritz and Schupp at the end of the 19th century. In them, the Muckers are placed as an example of the settlers that were enticed by the local wild nature and consequently compared to the natives inhabiting the area back then. We have also attempted to approximate our analysis to the writings produced by Matias José Gansweidt, In the 1920s, the focus of Gansweidt's narratives were the attacks of the natives in the areas occupied by the German immigrants.Downloads
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