The place and religious culture icons in ukrainian immigrants at Curitiba




Byzantine icons, Ukrainian ethnic community, Leonid Uspenski.


This article comprises the place as a participant of the Byzantine iconographic art. The place is not only a given geographical neutral, because conditions the way of thinking and writing icons. The Slavic Byzantine icons have a history and is part of the historian's craft go in search of evidence of his birth to, in a second step, to understand how they are assimilated in the spaces they occupy. Therefore, this article takes as a reference the Bigorrilho district of Curitiba-PR, where is a part of the Ukrainian community that brought from immigration, the way of relating to the sacred through Byzantine icons; takes as a theoretical framework for their analysis the thoughts of theologian and historian Slavic Leonid Uspenski.


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Author Biography

Paulo Augusto Tamanini, Universidade Federal do Paraná UFPR

Professor at the Graduate Program in History (UFPR). PhD in History -UFSC (2013). Graduated in Philosophy - UNIFEBE (1991).


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How to Cite

Tamanini, P. A. (2016). The place and religious culture icons in ukrainian immigrants at Curitiba. Domínios Da Imagem, 10(18), 11–28.