The candomblé lands in german


  • Joana Bahia Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro



Expansion of Afro-Brazilian religiosity in Europe, Brazilian migration, Religious field in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.


In this article, we analyze the expansion of Umbanda and Candomblé in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. We also analyze the circulation of ethnic symbols in the religious field, focusing on the importance of the terreiro of Candomblé Ilê Obá Silikê in the city of Berlin. We seek to understand how the construction of the terreiro is important in the production of symbols related to Brazilian culture. Our study is based on fieldwork we began in 2009, trying to understand the way Candomblé is experienced by its practitioners in a new social context, based on the idea that religious transnationalization concerns the adjustments to the practices imported in a very particular context, theirs ways of becoming local and the incorporation of new belief systems.


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Author Biography

Joana Bahia, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Associate professor at the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Uerj), PhD in Social Anthropology by Museu Nacional (PPGAS-UFRJ).


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How to Cite

Bahia, J. (2016). The candomblé lands in german. Domínios Da Imagem, 10(18), 86–104.