Memory and politics: the symbolic confrontation over the representations of the Paraguayan War (1865-1870)
War of Paraguay, Caricature, Symbolic and ideological dispute.Abstract
The article examines the humoristics representations on the war of Paraguay produced by the Italian caricaturist Ângelo Agostini (1843-1910) and published in the magazines Diabo Coxo (1864-1865) and Cabrião (1866-1867). The analysis contemplates the symbolic and ideological disputes that if they had accomplished through the prints of Agostini. With this I intend to designate the visual resources and discursivos defendants for the caricaturist to represent the negation of the official images concerning the war and the battle of symbols and alegorias that if developed between the humoristic creation and the official memory promoted by the Imperial State.Downloads
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