The experience of the dead: the preservation of ruined historical and cultural monuments


  • Anna Maria de Lira Pontes Universidade Federal da Paraíba



Historical and cultural patrimony, Preservation, Ruins.


The ruins emerge as an allegory through representation of what the building once was, but now it isn’t anymore. Also, they are a monument of the present and, therefore, exist in relation with the quotidian of cities and its memories. The ruins present themselves as an element of the collective, individual and national affirmations from the feelings brought up by this “dead” that struggles for survival and life in its society. In this work, we search to understand the historical and cultural patrimony and its preservation debate through the studies of John Ruskin, Eugène Viollet-le-duc and Cesare Brandi in relation to the practical action towards, specifically, the ruins. It’s aimed, in this paper, to comprehend the limits and implications in the existence of ruin in the society – the dead that lives through allegory.


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Author Biography

Anna Maria de Lira Pontes, Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Master in Architecture and Urbanism - Universidade Federal da Paraíba


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How to Cite

Pontes, A. M. de L. (2015). The experience of the dead: the preservation of ruined historical and cultural monuments. Domínios Da Imagem, 4(7), 45–52.



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