Visual Studies: main authors and questions from an emerging field


  • Éverly Pegoraro Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro



Visual studies, Visual culture, Cultural studies.


This paper presents the proposal of Visual Studies and some of their main researchers. The controversial and emergent field of research centers its studies on the cultural construction of visual in Arts, Media and even in the daily experiences. Even with all the controversy among the adepts of Visual Studies, what it’s important to emphasize are their proposals. They’re not just researches on the field of History of Images, but studies about the ways which the Visual Culture – on its various processes and products – are created, consumed and circulate to reinforce or resist to linkages of the most various objectives: political, economical, cultural etc. We can say it’s an approach influenced by Cultural Studies, since the relation between visibility and discourse.

Author Biography

Éverly Pegoraro, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Master in Social History from Universidade Federal Fluminense
(UFF) and PhD student in Communication and Culture at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


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How to Cite

Pegoraro, Éverly. (2011). Visual Studies: main authors and questions from an emerging field. Domínios Da Imagem, 5(8), 41–52.



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