Urban artvism: the new political figurations of Latin American feminisms.





Latin America, Militancy, Gender, Feminism.


This article proposes a short presentation about the urban aesthetic and cultural interventions of feminist groups in Brazil, Argentina and Bolivia, which have emerged between the late 1980s and early 1990s, which build on the critical power relations in the women's daily lives. Since the 1970s, feminist artists and collectives have adopted the "activist art", that is, artistic performances and cultural interventions as a form of activism. Through various aesthetic elements, such as presentations of theaters, afiches, panels, publications, graffiti, among others, these groups have occupied and reframed public spaces innovating the banner "personal is political". Therefore, these organizations have updated the cultural imagination on topics inherent to Latin American feminisms as gender violence, bodily integrity, homophobia and ethnic issues. Thus, this proposal aims to map the experience of three Latin American groups, namely: As Loucas de Pedra Lilás (Brazil), Mujeres Creando (Bolivia) and Mujeres Públicas (Argentina), in order to understand how they have built new meanings for the occupation of public space as well as questioned the identity constructions and acquired rights in the democratization period of their countries.

Author Biography

Júlia Glaciela da Silva Oliveira, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Graduated in History - Universidade Estadual de Londrina, PhD student in Social History at the Universidade de São Paulo.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, J. G. da S. (2015). Urban artvism: the new political figurations of Latin American feminisms. Domínios Da Imagem, 9(17), 196–217. https://doi.org/10.5433/2237-9126.2015v9n17p196



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