The context of the industrial society of the 19th and 20th centuries and its reflexes in the artistic productions of modernity
Modern art, Strangeness, Art and society.Abstract
Backed at the thought of some contemporary theorists, this article analyzes and reflects how the changing way of life and the taste of a new urban society, resulting from technological, economic, social and historical changes, brought especially between half nineteenth and twentieth century, interfere in ways to produce, understand and interact with the art. This new world context generated by the consolidation of the Industrial Revolution reflected the advances of capitalism and competitiveness, causing an increase in production of consumer goods unprecedented in the history of mankind, leading to the insertion of art itself these strategies consumption. To dematerialize and break paradigms, the art became experimental, banalize themselves and turned into language. Thus lost its character auratic, submitting to the rules of the market, becoming acquired, consumed, touched by this new consumer audience and receiver.Downloads
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