O regionalismo a serviço do nacionalismo na Primeira República (1889-1930): representações das fotografias urbanas de Taquara/RS
Photography, First Republic, Representation, Regionalism, Nationalism.Abstract
The First Republic (1889-1930) aimed to the modern emancipation of Brazil to liberate itself from the legacies of Empire. For this, it disseminated a tangle of bureaucracy that turned the state in a great promoter of nationality through the regions. In the case of the city of Taquara/ RS, the republican nationalism was represented by regional symbols in photographs. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the representation of national identity in the First Republic through the photographs, to identify regional symbols represented in the pictures that served in the construction of national identity in the Republic. This analysis is justified by the gap in studies of photographic images that discuss official national formation in the region to understand the relationships of the Republic in the German immigration region, as well as the dearth of research that realize the intentions of photographic cutouts that do not represent particular elements like a part of the official national formation . The methodological approach uses photographs and other primary sources (laws, reports, journals, etc.) available in regional archivesDownloads
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