María de la Luz Uribe and Charo Cofré:

towards na aesthetics of dissent in children’s chilean poetry during the seventies




children poetry, aesthetics of dissent, chilean dictatorship, memory, fantasy


This study is situated within the realm of literary studies, specifically examining the poetic works created for children in Chile during the 1970s. The primary objective is to explore the potentialities of poetic language in actively positioning itself within the specific contexts of its production and circulation. For this purpose, we delve into the work of Chilean creators María de la Luz Uribe and Charo Cofré, who collaborated during this period through poetry, music, and visual art (the latter, thanks to the significant contribution of illustrator Fernando Krahn), which materialized in the publication of the album "Tolín, tolín, tolán" (1972). Considered an unprecedented milestone in the history of Chilean children”s music, this production has been recently revisited through the heritage preservation efforts of the Chilean label Monophone, which reissued the album in 2022 to commemorate its fifty years since publication. Therefore, through a critical analysis of selected sung poems from the work, this study delves into the intricacies of traumatic memory and reviews the trajectories of poetic creation for children during the Chilean dictatorship period, characterized by the articulation of transformative imaginaries about childhood and the assertion of its political nature through aesthetics of dissent that combine the fantastic, the subversive, and the neo-subversive, establishing a significant dialogue with new generations.


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How to Cite

VESELY AVARIA, Carola; JEFTANOVIC AVDALOFF, Andrea. María de la Luz Uribe and Charo Cofré: : towards na aesthetics of dissent in children’s chilean poetry during the seventies. Antíteses, [S. l.], v. 16, n. 32, p. 034–058, 2023. DOI: 10.5433/1984-3356.2023v16n32p034-058. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 feb. 2025.

Funding data