Thing. The effects of the circulation of ideas in the semantics of a term in the early Germanic languages
Res, Things, Semantics, Latinitas, Germanic languagesAbstract
The aim of this article is to assess, by contrast with the evolution traceable in the Latin languages, the semantics of the Germanic words for things, in particular the lexical root that lead to this word and similar terms in the other languages of the same family. We survey the evidence from the earliest Germanic through the medieval languages. Our hypothesis is that the progressive effect of Latinisation affected the meaning and made it closer to those derived from Latin res and causa. This is already partially visible in early Frankish and Langobardic sources, but becomes clear from Carolingian times onwards. The main exception, found in Old Norse and particularly prominent in Icelandic (which preserves the original sense of “assembly”) reinforces this view, as it represents a society relatively outside the institutional and cultural core derived from a Roman framework.Downloads
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LANGER, Johnni. Religião e magia entre os vikings: uma sistematização historiográfica. Brathair, São Luís, v. 5, n. 2, p. 55-82, 2005.
LASSEN, Annette. Indigenous and latin literature. In: JAKOBSSON, Ármann; JAKOBSSON, Sverrir. The routledge research companion to the medieval icelandic sagas. Nueva York: Routledge, 2017. p. 74-87.
LATOUR, Bruno. Scientific objects and legal objectivity. In: POTTAGE, Alain; MUNDY, Martha (ed.). Law, anthropology, and the constitution of the social: making persons and things. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. p. 73-114.
LINCOLN, Bruce. Rewriting the German war god: Georges Dumezil, politics and scholarship in the late 1930. History of Religions, Chicago, v. 37, n. 3, p. 187-208, 1998.
LØKKA, Nanna. Þing goða- the mythological assembly site. Journal of the North Atlantic, [S. l.], v. 5, p. 18-27, 2013. Number special.
OREL, Vladimir. A handbook of germanic etymology. Leiden: Brill, 2001.
POOLE, Russell. Óttarr svarti. In: PULSIANO, Phillip et al. (ed.). Medieval scandinavia: an encycplopedia. Nueva York: Taylor and Francis, 1993. p. 459-460.
POTTAGE, Alain. Introduction: the fabrication of persons and things. In: POTTAGE, Alain; MUNDY, Martha (ed.). Law, anthropology, and the constitution of the social: making persons and things. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. p.1-39.
RIISØY, Anne-Irene. Sacred legal places in eddic poetry: reflected in real life?, Journal of the North Atlantic, [S. l.], v. 5, p. 28-41, 2013. Number special.
SKALDIC PROJECT. Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages. 2019. Disponible en: db.php?id=83386&if=default&table=lemma&val=%C3%BEing. Acceso el 22 ago. 2019
THOMAS, Yan. Res, chose et patrimoine: note sur le rapport sujet-objet en droit romain. Archives de Philosophie du Droit, Paris, v. 25, p. 413-426, 1980.
ÞÓRÓLFSSON, Björn; JÓNSSON, Guðni (ed.). Gísla saga. In: ÞÓRÓLFSSON, Björn; JÓNSSON, Guðni (ed.). Vestfirðinga sögur: Íslenzk fornrit. Reykjavík: Hið íslenzka fornritafélag, 1943. v. 6.
TIEFENBACH, Heinrich. Mars Thincsus. In: BECK, Heinrich ; GEUENICH, Dieter; STEUER, Heilo (ed.). Reallexikon der Germanischen altertumskunde. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2001. p. 343-345.
UPPSALA UNIVERSITY. Institutionen för nordiska språk. Samnordisk runtextdatabas. Uppsala: Uppsala University, 2019. Disponible en: http://www. Acceso el: 22 ago. 2019.
VYKYPĚL, Bohumil. Studie k šlechtickým titulum v germánských, slovanských a baltských jazycích : etymologie jako pomocná věda historická. Brno:Masarykova universita, 2004.
WIENER, Leo. Commentary to the germanic laws and mediaeval documents. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1915.
How to Cite
BARREIRO, Santiago Francisco. Thing. The effects of the circulation of ideas in the semantics of a term in the early Germanic languages. Antíteses, [S. l.], v. 13, n. 25, p. 339–361, 2020. DOI: 10.5433/1984-3356.2020v13n25p339. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 feb. 2025.