The theory of the Four Empires as element opponent to Hellenism and Rome
Theory of the Four Empires, Daniel 2 and 7, Dead Sea Scrolls, Herodotus, Hesiod, Oracle HystaspesAbstract
This article analyzes the text of Daniel 2 and 7, and the Dead Sea Scrolls (4Q243-44 4Q245 Pseudo-Daniel; 4Q552 and 4Q553/4Q Four Kingdom) compared with the Greek theories of Hesiod and Herodotus. The theory on the succession of empires (Assyrian/Babylonian, Medes, Persians, Macedonians, Roma), one stronger than the other, is attested in Persian literature, the Greco-Roman, Hellenistic and Daniele Circles. Roman historians, who used Greek sources, added as a fifth to the Roman empire, the most strong and indestructible. In our research we located Persian and Greek influences attested in older substrate of Daniel, together with the prophetic traditions in the Old Testament and show that this theory was used differrently in Jewish apocalyptic circles Palestinians. The most notable difference between Greco-Roman sources and Daniel (AT or Qumran) is that he never added the fifth empire (Rome) and in Daniel 7, which explicitly emphasizes that after the defeat of the fourth empire (Seleucid-Hellenistic), by the kingdom of the saints of the Most High, would the “Kingdom of God”, timeless, whose king would be a “Son of Man”, the direct representative of the God of Israel.Downloads
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MCGINN, Bernard de; COLLINS, John Joseph. The encyclopedia of apocalypticism. New York/London: Continuum International Publishing Group, 2000.
MOMIGLIANO, Arnaldo D.; BERTI, Silvia; MASELLA-GAYLEY, Maura. Essay on ancient and modern judaism. Chicago, Chicago University Press, 1994.
NISKANEN, Paul. The human and the divine in history: Herodotus and the book of Daniel. London/New York: T&T Clark, 2004. (JSOTSup. Series 396).
SHURER, Emil. Historia del pueblo Judío en tiempos de Jesús. Madrid: Cristiandad, 1985. T. 1.
SWAIN, Joseph. The theory of the four monarchies opposition history under Roman Empire. Classical Philology, v. 35, n. 1, jan. 1940.
VERMES, Geza. The impact of the dead sea scrolls on jewish studies during the last twenty-five years. Journal of Jewish Studies, n. 26, 1975.
How to Cite
BIZZARRO, Laura. The theory of the Four Empires as element opponent to Hellenism and Rome. Antíteses, [S. l.], v. 3, n. 5, p. 395–418, 2010. DOI: 10.5433/1984-3356.2010v3n5p395. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 feb. 2025.